The most common issues encountered when claiming your NcedCloud account:
It has been reported that some users have encountered these problems when claiming their accounts. The “Next” button at the bottom of a screen may stay grayed out when you try to claim your account, or an error message may appear when trying to claim your account. These common challenges can be identified or eliminated by identifying the problem or eliminating it.
Here are some things you can check:
- Incorrect birthdate format (should be YYYYMMDD without slashes or dashes, e.g. 19820217).
- It is common for the eScholar UID number to coincide with the teacher/staff number in PowerSchool since it is the 10-digit State Employee UID. Your Finance Person may be able to help you locate your employee UID number, which is located in the Staff UID system as well as Payroll. It is the user name for the IAM Service. For students, it is their PowerSchool Student or Pupil number. If you’re unsure of your UID number and all other information appears accurate, your local help desk can check it along with several other items (see below).
- If you do not fill out the verify password box or do not match the original password entered, you may be unable to set the password. Some special characters (such as “!” – the exclamation mark) may not function as the first character of a password. If you enter a password, make sure you use at least eight characters, one uppercase, one lowercase, and one number, as specified in the password policy.
- Challenge Questions cannot be set – the minimum answer length is three characters, so make sure all the questions you’re answering meet those requirements.
Here are some things your PSU’s technical support can check:
- A PSU account is not present in your LEA data – If your LEA Administrator or Help Desk Support enters your UID or searches using your last name and your account doesn’t appear, they (the LEA Administrator) should escalate the issue as described under the “Support” menu item. The Staff UID record may not be updated if you recently transferred from another PSU, or if you are a “Contract Employee” and your Staff UID record has not been created (i.e. Payroll entries are used to create employee records in the Staff UID system. In the Staff UID System, contract employees are not typically entered and will need to create an employee record directly as a non-PSU employee).
- If you tried to claim your account previously and stopped before answering the Challenge Questions completely, this might happen. This flag can also be incorrectly set in other scenarios that are more obscure. It is important to reset the claim flag if your Profile indicates “Disable Account Claiming: True”. If this appears, your local support (LEA Administrator) can check this. This can be done by an LEA Administrator by searching for your record in Manage LEA Employees, selecting it (clicking the checkbox at the left), and selecting “Details” in the list view of the record. Clicking the red “Edit Profile” button at the bottom of your detail screen will allow you to uncheck the Disable Account Claiming checkbox and save the record. Reset the Challenge Responses (one of the buttons on the List Display window) after clicking the red “Edit Profile” button.
- Staff UID System (Source Data from which the IAM Service gets its birthdate) is incorrect – this can be verified by your local support staff by verifying your birthdate. The corrected birthdate should appear in the IAM Service the following day if it is incorrect, as the Staff UID Administrator for your PSU must correct it in the Payroll System and force an update to the UID System. If your birthdate is incorrect, you can claim your account and then have it corrected (this will not impact your IAM account).